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 (702) 369-1321


 (702) 369-1321

Hearing Blog

Protecting your Hearing during Fireworks Season

July 1, 2014

It’s almost Independence Day! For many, July 4th holiday celebrations will include barbeques, parades and, of course, fireworks. Don’t forget about protecting your ears! Before you enjoy the show, follow these safety tips to protect your hearing from the loud blasts of fireworks. Keep your Distance: Adults should be at least 22 yards away from the fireworks and children should stay 65 yards away. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, firework blasts can ...

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What is the right fit?

May 1, 2014

What is needed to make sure you have the perfect hearing aid for your life? We know there are many sizes, shapes, and in most cases, colors, to choose from! While the color might be the easiest decision to make, how do we, as your hearing healthcare professional, decide what is going to be best for you? Here are the pieces of the “puzzle” that we need to find when meeting with you: Type of ...

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Stay Connected

April 1, 2014

The Halo, which is sold under the Starkey brand name, combines Starkey Hearing Technologies’ superior hearing with iOS to deliver a revolutionary new hearing solution that makes every aspect of life better – from conversations to phone calls to listening to music. Halo will connect with the TruLink™ Hearing Control app, which is available as a free download in the App Store. “Halo brings what people love about Starkey hearing aids to anyone who suffers from ...

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No Year is Worth Forgetting

January 1, 2014

This new year, make it a goal to help a parent or grandparent to prevent any of the causes of Alzheimer’s or dementia. One of these causes, unbeknownst to many, may commonly be hearing loss. Recent studies conducted at the University of Washington’s Department of Medicine found that out of 100 patients with Alzheimer’s, 83 patients had a hearing loss. Once fit with hearing aids, a third of those patients were classified ...

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Why You Should Only Buy Hearing Aids From a Hearing Professional

November 1, 2013

This is why the Better Hearing Institute, a non-profit center for hearing advocacy, published a consumer warning against “do-it-yourself hearing care,” writing, “The process requires a complete in-person hearing assessment in a sound booth; the training and skills of a credentialed hearing healthcare professional in order to prescriptively fit the hearing aids using sophisticated computer programs; and appropriate in-person follow-up and counseling. This is not possible when consumers purchase one-size-fits-all hearing aids over the Internet ...

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